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様々なアートを軸にアーティスト活動をしているおがさん、その原点は学生の頃にあります。昔フォークブームの頃にギター弾いて歌っていましたが社会人になってからは休止しまいました。他には、たまに美術館に行くぐらいでアートとは ほぼ無縁の生活を長らくしてました。 


それは2010年のあいちトリエンナーレなんです。なんかとんでも無い事が始まったなーぐらいのノリでチケット買って観に行き大変な驚き!を感じました。ちょうどその頃にある作家さんが名古屋のギャラリーで個展をされる事があり、こちらも初めて!ギャラリーなんぞを訪れてみました。作品を観ながら作家さんのお話聞いて‥  とても新鮮な体験をしたことを覚えています。それからは名古屋や近隣のギャラリーや市民ギャラリーなどを暇を見つけては行くようになりました。



そんなこんなしている内に、作品はハガキサイズに落ち着き、自身の好きな言葉「LOVE PEACE SMILE 」をペン画に描き込み色鉛筆で採食するスタイルが固まってきました。もちろん、ギャラリーに見に行ったりライブハウスに聞きに行ったり、あちこちでライヴに参加をさせてもらうようになりました。(今思うとよくそんな時間あったなと思います!)


2023年までにライヴは100回以上、個展は16回、グループ展は60回以上と色々な場所で活動させていただいています。アート作品の点数は4500以上になります。ギャラリーでの作品を展示してのライヴやライブハウスでのライヴイベントと作品展示もしてきました。また、 space L というアート&ライヴのイベントも企画開催してました。



Ogasun, who is active as an artist focusing on various arts, has his roots in his student days. I used to play the guitar and sing during the folk boom, but I stopped playing when I entered the workforce. Other than that, I lived a long life that had little to do with art, other than going to museums once in a while.​ There came a turning point in my life. It was the 2010 Aichi Triennale. I bought a ticket and went to see it, feeling as if something terrible was about to happen, and I was very surprised! I felt it. Around that time, a certain artist was having a solo exhibition at a gallery in Nagoya, which was also his first time! I visited the gallery. I remember listening to the artist's story while watching the work... It was a very refreshing experience. From then on, I started going to galleries in Nagoya, nearby areas, and citizen galleries whenever I had free time.

While I was doing this, I wondered why? I want to live again! So I pulled out Matsuoka's acoustic guitar, which had been dormant for probably 30 years, changed the strings, and started practicing. I think I practiced for about a year and a half. When I asked a nearby live house, they said it was OK to perform, so I completed my entry. What is the entry name? When I was asked, I only intended to do it once, so without thinking too much, I decided that ``Ogasan'' would be fine. It was September 2012. However, live performances don't end once; they continue forever. For some reason, since I was about to start doing live shows like that, I suddenly wanted to draw, but at first I only drew flags. I drew many pictures using ballpoint pens, marker pens, colored pencils, and other art materials that were around me at the time.

In the meantime, the work had settled on a postcard size, and the style of drawing in pen drawings with his favorite words ``LOVE PEACE SMILE'' and foraging with colored pencils had solidified. Of course, I started going to galleries, listening to music at live music venues, and attending live shows here and there. (Now that I think about it, I feel like I often had that kind of time!) After that, I decided to participate in an exhibition at a certain gallery because they said, ``I'm painting!'' This is my exhibition debut. That was in 2015. At that time, I changed my artist name to ``ogasun'' and started participating in live shows under the name ``Ogasan.''

By 2023, we will have held over 100 live shows, 16 solo exhibitions, and over 60 group exhibitions, and will be active in various locations. The number of artworks will be over 4500. I have also held live shows at galleries and live events and exhibitions at live houses. i also planned and held an art and live event called space L.I also create healing music using a synthesizer for video works such as movies and slide shows.

If you are interested, please see the detailed list of activities since 2015 by year.











🔵 主な活動履歴

2012年  再びライヴ開始

2014年  FaceBook 開始、ほぼ毎日投稿

2015年  グループ展に参加、初の作品展示

2015年  初個展開催

2017年  instagram 開始、こちらもほぼ毎日投稿

2017年  space L イべント開始

2018年  pitchFM 出演 Lucky Lucky

2018年  インスタレーション展示を始める

2019年  pitchFM 出演 カリヤーズ

2020年  ウエブサイト開設

2020年  YouTube 開始

2020年  映像作品やヒーリング音楽作成し始める

2023年  Thresds 開始

🔵 Main activity history

2012 Live starts again

2014  FaceBook started, posting almost every day

2015  Participated in a group exhibition, my first exhibition

2015 First solo exhibition

2017  Instagram started, posting almost every day

2017 space L event started

2018 PitchFM Appearance Lucky Lucky

2018 Started installation exhibition

2019  pitchFM Appearance Kariyaz

2020 Website launch

2020 YouTube started

2020 Started creating video works and healing music

2023 Start of Thresds

🔴 最近の活動


Facebook Instagram Threads はほぼ毎日投稿しており、それぞれ別のコンテンツを投稿しています。たまにインスタラヴもしてます。このウェブサイトは月2回ほどの頻度で更新しています。

​皆さまもよろしければいろいろチェックしてみてください。「 Activiteis 活動いろいろ 」のページもご覧ください。

🔴 Recent activity

IIn recent years, I have also begun to perform healing performances using crystal bowls, singing bowls, carillon chimes, etc. I also hold art courses on abstract watercolor painting.

Facebook Instagram Threads post almost every day, each with different content. I also do Instagram love sometimes. This website is updated approximately twice a month.

Please feel free to check it out if you like. Please also take a look at the ``Activiteis '' page.

©2020 by ogasun x おがさん

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