exhibition : 過去に開催した個展やグループ展などの展示風景です
This is an exhibition view of past solo exhibitions and group exhibitions.

My solo exhibition ended without incident during the exhibition period. Thank you to everyone who came and to everyone who took care of us. Thank you again. I'm sorry for not being able to be in the gallery for a while. I was happy to be able to select and display my works from among the thousands of works I have created over a period of just over 10 years, from my early days to my most recent ones. thank you very much. We will be posting pictures of the exhibition venue, so please take a look.

This is a slide show of the gallery, exhibitions, and works.

Solo exhibition finished
It has been a long time since I had a solo exhibition at a gallery, and I was able to successfully finish my third solo exhibition at Juan after 5 years. Thank you to all the customers who came and took care of us. We will post the state of the exhibition, so please enjoy it.
満ちる月とともに・・ 満月奏 に参加しました
先日の 9月10日の土曜日 うお座満月 中秋の名月 の日の夕刻に西尾市の尚古荘という所で「満ちる月とともに・・ 満月奏」というイベントが開催されました。尚古荘は満月のパワーに満たされて愛と癒しにつつまれた無限空間へ・・皆さまは しばしの間 まったり ゆったり 過ごせるひと時になりました。
The other day, Saturday, September 10th, in the evening of the mid-autumn harvest moon An event called "Together with the Full Moon... Mangetsu Kanade" was held at Shokoso in Nishio City. Shokoso is an infinite space filled with the power of the full moon and surrounded by love and healing... It was a relaxing and relaxing time for everyone. Thank you very much for your support.
LIQUID ARSENAL に参加しました 国際コンテンポラリー展
2022年 5月28日から2022年 6月 3日まで開催
Held from May 28, 2022 to June 3, 2022
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY は常設のデジタル設備を持つ最新のマルチメディアギャラリーで展示はイタリアのミラノとスペインのフエルテベントゥーラ島の両方で同時に開催され,メタバース会場も追加されました。
ogasun としては昨年のDE.MO展に引き続き映像作品一点で参加させていただきます。
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY is a state-of-the-art multimedia gallery with permanent digital equipment, with exhibitions held simultaneously in both Milan, Italy and Fuerteventura, Spain, with the addition of a Metaverse venue. As ogasun, we will continue to participate in the DE.MO exhibition last year with a single video work.
ビデオはキュレーターの Lisa Galletti さんの解説の後に私の作品が流れます。頂いた原文とGoogle翻訳の日本語です。
In the video, my work will be played after curator Lisa Galletti! commentary. The original text and Google Translated Japanese.
DE.MO Lifestyle に参加しました 国際現代美術展
Held from September 9, 2021 to September 24, 2021
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY キュレーターの Lisa Galletti さんに ogasun 作品のパーソナルビデオを作っていただきました。作品のコメントも語っていただいています。作品もフルバージョンで載ってますのでお楽しみください。
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY curator Lisa Galletti made a personal video of ogasun's work. He also talks about the comments of the work. Please enjoy the full version of the work.
2021年5月に開催した space L での展示風景です
It is an exhibition view at space L held in may 2020
2021年に一年半ぶりに開催した ogasun 個展 nature の展示風景です
It is an exhibition view of ogasun solo exhibition nature held in 2021 for the first time in a year and a half.