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atelier shop



ogasun の作品はアトリエで販売しています。



Ogasun's works are sold at his atelier. Although we do not have a special exhibition space in our atelier, you can choose your favorite work from among thousands of works. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to view any of our works. If you find a piece you like, you can purchase it on the spot. You can also give it special energy.




My works displayed on this website are also for sale. Analog works will be sold in postcard size for 3000 yen each. Digital works start at 3,000 yen per postcard size, and can be printed up to A4 size. You can also sell digital data alone. Please discuss the shipping charges in each case.

goods shop



ogasun の作品をBONATHIAサイトに登録させていただいています。「 ogasun 」というクリエーター名で登録していますのでご覧になってみて下さい。気に入れば注文もできます。こんなの登録して!と言うものありましたらご連絡ください。オリジナルグッズを一点から購入できます。アイテムはシューズ、バッグ、ウエアなどいろいろとあります。ぜひ一度ご覧になって下さい。

I have registered ogasun's works on BONATHIA sites.There are registered under the creator name "ogasun", so please have a look.If you like it, you can order it. Register like this! If you have any questions, please contact us.You can purchase original goods from one point. There are various items such as shoes, bags, and clothing. Please take a look.

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