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Apple TV 4K !

執筆者の写真: ogasunogasun


ですが、最近はYouTubeを見ることが多くなってきました。Mac か ipod で YouTube を再生してHDMIケーブルでテレビ(46インチ)に繋いで見ていました。私は目が悪いので大きい画面がいいんですが、でもよく見えないんですよね。ただHDMIケーブルは太いので扱いにくいですし ipod は電源ケーブルも繋いでないとすぐバッテリーが上がってしまいます。

そんな時にApple TV でもYouTubeの再生が出来ることを雑誌で知りました。

そこで早速手に入れてセットアップ!、リモコンだけで画面操作できるし、余分なケーブル類は無くしてすっきりとしました。リモコンもシンプルで使いやすく、またアルミ製で高級感たっぷりです。Airplay 使えばどのAppleデバイスでもワイヤレスでテレビに表示できるのでこちらも便利です。


I stopped watching TV (broadcast reception on radio waves) long ago, and for a while the TV became a sub-monitor of my computer.However, recently I've been watching YouTube more and more. I played YouTube on my Mac or ipod and watched it on my TV (46 inches) with an HDMI cable. I have bad eyesight, so I like a big screen, but I can't see it well. However, the HDMI cable is thick and difficult to handle, and the ipod's battery will run out quickly unless the power cable is also connected. At that time, I learned from a magazine that YouTube can be played on Apple TV. So get it and set it up! , You can operate the screen with just the remote control, and it is neat without extra cables. The remote control is simple and easy to use, and it is made of aluminum and has a luxurious feel. This is also useful because you can use Airplay to wirelessly display on your TV on any Apple device. Will this turn into a YouTube-only TV? I feel like that.




苦手! weak!


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