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試練?? Ordeal? ?

執筆者の写真: ogasunogasun



仕方ないのいで修理依頼をメーカーにして(今はネットで申し込めるんですね)サービスマンから連絡きて症状を伝えるとコンプレッサーが壊れたとのこと、修理すると購入するのと変わらないぐらいの金額がかかってしまします。さて?どうする? しばらく考えて修理は諦めて買い換えすることにしました。時間は15時過ぎ!急いで家電良品店へ出掛けていろいろ説明聞いて商品決めて購入してきました。

ところが!!今配送が混んでるらしくて配達しくれるのはちょうど1週間後!とのことでした。この暑い夏に1週間冷蔵庫無しの生活? まぁ、仕方ないですよね。皆さま何か良いアドヴァイスありませんか??

What can I say? Before this summer's big day, the refrigerator broke down. I thought it was making strange noises in the middle of the night, so I tried drinking some water from the fridge when I woke up in the morning. A little lukewarm! The freezer was at 15 degrees and everything was melting. I had no choice but to request a repair from the manufacturer (now I can apply online).When I was contacted by a service person and told them the problem, I was told that the compressor was broken, and to repair it would cost the same amount as if I had bought it. I will. Now? what will you do? After thinking about it for a while, I decided to give up on repair and buy a new one. It's past 3pm! I hurried to a home appliance store, listened to various explanations, decided on the product, and purchased it. However! ! It seems like shipping is busy right now, so it will be delivered in exactly one week! is what they said. Living without a refrigerator for a week in this hot summer? Well, it can't be helped. Do you all have any good advice? ?




苦手! weak!


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