そこで、いつもの YouTube と web で検索してみました、みなさん色々とやってますね。まずはホームベーカリーを買おうかどうしようかと悩んだのですが、物を増やしたくないのと、炊飯器でも作れそうなので一度チャレンジしてみようと思いました。
Even if I live a gluten-free life, I sometimes want to eat bread. It's hard to sell, and even if you get it, it's a little pricey. So, I searched on YouTube and the web as usual, and everyone is doing various things. First of all, I was wondering whether to buy a home bakery, but I didn't want to increase the number of things, and I could make it with a rice cooker, so I decided to try it once. The ingredients are rice flour and water, salt, sugar, oil, dry yeast, and that's all. Mix the ingredients and keep warm in a rice cooker for about 40 minutes, then cook the rice and it's done!・ ・ Is this photo. Making the first bread in my life! I managed to complete it. Is the result about halfway between mochi and bread? ?? ?? Please help me with a feeling. Well, it was delicious. I will practice a little more. How about everyone? ..
