毎日の日課としているウォーキング、ほぼ同じコースを約7キロ、一万歩前後を歩いています。Walking, which is a daily routine, walks about 7 km, about 10,000 steps on almost the same course.
この動画はいつもものお気に入りのユーカリの森、お盆あたりの夏梅雨?過ぎたあたりまではクマゼミの大合唱でしたが、最近はツクツクボウシが主役に、秋の虫たちもぼちぼち泣いてきっています。Is this video your favorite eucalyptus forest, the summer rainy season around Obon? It was a big chorus of bears until it passed, but recently, Tsukutsukuboushi is the leading role, and autumn insects are also singing.

The usual Asahi in the rinkai-park! It's the beginning of the day.

須磨海岸緑地のいつもの場所から衣浦湾越しに対岸の半田方面。 Handa on the opposite bank from the usual place on the Suma Seaside Greenery over Iura Bay.

Mysterious impression by the morning sun and shadow
iphone で月を撮影してみました
I tried to shoot the moon with iphone
This is the limit
It's been a hot summer rather than a hot summer these days! !! , Over 35 degrees in the daytime! Even in the early morning, it only drops to 27 degrees this morning. However, the wind has been blowing for the past few days and it's a little easier! I feel a little autumn. I am happy to be able to walk every day and feel the seasons. Why don't you try walking too? ..