love・ earth ogasun art
May all the earth be happy
10月6日から始まった個展も早いもので、もう折り返し地点。火水はギャラリーはお休みなので残りは10/13木〜10/17月までの開催です。展示の様子のスライドショーを作ってみましたのでお届けします。詳しくはこのウェブサイトのSolo exhibition ページをご覧ください。
My solo exhibition, which started on October 6th, is also early, and it's already the halfway point. The gallery is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so the rest of the exhibition will be held from Thursday, October 13th to October 17th. I made a slide show of the state of the exhibition, so I will deliver it. For more information, please visit the solo exhibition page of this website.