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我が愛車!  My car!

執筆者の写真: ogasunogasun


ホンダのフィット2が生産終了となる夏の最後のロットで購入を決意、残りあと十数台だったと思います。2013年7月登録、もう9年か〜早いですね。グレードはHybrid RS 6MT。 マニュアル車に乗りたくで選びました。

サスペンションはモデューロにして正解!フロアマットとサイドバイザーは無限です。購入後半年ぐらいで運転席をレカロに交換、フロントスピーカーはFocal に買えました。


Car introduction I

decided to purchase the Honda Fit 2 in the last lot of the summer when the production was discontinued, and I think there were more than a dozen left. Registered in July 2013, it's been 9 years or so early. The grade is Hybrid RS 6 MT. I chose it because I wanted to ride a manual car.

The suspension is modulo and the answer is correct! The floor mats and side visors are endless. About half a year after the purchase, I replaced the driver's seat with RECARO and bought the front speaker from Focal.

I like it because the style seen from the side is one motion, the fuel consumption is good and it runs reasonably well.However, I haven't been able to ride much recently, so the battery has run out the other day.




苦手! weak!


©2020 by ogasun x おがさん

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