今までは絵や作品を作るスペースとパソコンでの作業をするスペースは床に座ってやっていました。ただ、おがさんも若くもないので椅子に座る環境にしよう!と思いつき体を動かして変更してみました。The other day, I wrote a blog where I set up a space for Instagram Love in my atelier, but this time I changed the space where I draw my work. Until now, I have been sitting on the floor in the space where I create pictures and work and the space where I work on my computer. However, my mother is not young, so let's make it an environment where she sits on a chair! I moved my body and tried to change it.
まずはアトリエの洋間の方です。従来ペン画などを描くスペースとWEB用のパソコン作業は同じ場所でしていましたが、パソコン作業用にすることにしてセッティングを変更しました。読書や手帳や書き物ををスペースにしました。こちらは従来からあった家具の置き方の変更だけですみました。こんな感じになってます。First of all, the Western-style room in the atelier. In the past, I used to use the same space for drawing pen drawings and other computer work for the web, but I decided to use the space for computer work and changed the settings. I made a space for reading, notebooks and writing. This is done by simply changing the way furniture is placed. It looks like this.

Next, in the other Japanese-style room, I collected all the art supplies and changed the height of the desk without changing the layout. In addition, I got some MUJI U-shaped furniture and used them to raise the desk. Having more storage space is a nice touch. After that, I plan to review the placement little by little while using it. It looks like this. If you don't mind, you can also do an art course here, so if you're interested, please contact me.
