昨日、一昨日と二日間も強風が吹き続けると、隙間だらけの おがさんはうす の中の作品達は大忙し!。随分と動き回っていた様です。風で揺らぐ作品なので、作品のずれや落下があり、それを微調整や貼り直し取付なおしなどをしました。
When strong winds continued to blow yesterday, the day before yesterday, and two days, the works in ogasunhouse were busy with the gap-filled old house! .. It is quite diverse and moving around. Since the work is swaying in the wind, there are some deviations and drops in the work, and I fine-tuned and re-pasted them.
Also, sand and dust come out from here and there due to the wind, so I cleaned it up and finished.
We are waiting for customers again from tomorrow.