先日の space L では久しぶりにうたわせていただきました。
I sang at space L the other day. after a long time It's been two days in a row.
7月の S stage ではガットギターでうたい、その前は?2月の space L ででした。
Before the S stage in July, I sang with a gut guitar. It was space L in February..
During that time, I didn't touch the guitar very much.It was a live after a long time.
Since I set A = 440Hz here, I've been playing the guitar every day because it seems to be singing.However, I couldn't play the guitar for a few days because of my back pain the other day. Even though I was motivated, I sank. I was thinking of changing the strings on my guitar, but I couldn't.
But I'm glad I managed to sing for the lack of practice. I'm happy to sing live! I felt it after a long time. Thanks!
