About the camera I'm using recently for shooting.
ウォーキング時は iphone 6s も使ってますが、あとはデジタル一眼レフでの撮影が多いです。アトリエの庭の鳥たちを撮るには望遠レンズが欠かないので一眼レフを使用してます。
I also use the iphone 6s when walking, but after that I often shoot with a digital SLR. I use a single-lens reflex camera because I need a telephoto lens to take pictures of the birds in the atelier's garden. I've gradually learned how to use telephoto, macro, and various Rennes. Of course, I've gotten used to shooting my work with a single-lens reflex camera.
でも、この写真のように何気なくふと撮影できた写真は iphone が1番!手軽に撮影できていいですよね。沢山枚数撮ってもっといい作品を残したいいです。
However, the iphone is the best photo that I could take casually like this one! It's nice to be able to shoot easily. It's good to take a lot of pictures and leave a better work.