Today is the topic of YAMAHA's silent guitar.
でももう発売20年なんですね・・ お迎えしてからもう10年経つんだ!と驚きました。
I own a silent guitar for the 10th anniversary model. .. The material is quilted maple and the color is caramel brown. It's a silent guitar that I've always been interested in since it was released, but I happened to find an anniversary model at a musical instrument store and bought it because I liked it very much. It's a guitar that you can easily use, so you can put up an extra light gauge and use it for play. You can enjoy various effects. But it's been 20 years since it was released ... It's been 10 years since we picked it up! I was surprised with. This time, YAMAHA was doing a "Yamaha Silent Guitar Supporter Campaign", so I applied. And thank you for the cloth with the original logo.
