前回、インスタグラムでライブ配信を始めたと書きましたが、これがなかなか難しいんです。何がって言うと映像と音声が悩ましいんです。機材は余っているipod Touch にオーディオインターフェースにDuet を繋いで、マイクは何本か持っているので色々付け替えたりスタンドでセッティング変えたり・・・ 余分な音を拾ってしまうし、なかなか思うようにいきません。映像の撮影はipod 使うのですが、こちらもフォーカスとテレビの画像と画角の関係で思うようにいきません。流している映像はウエブサイトに載せているものなのでいいんですがし、演奏は、まあ時の運や体調もあるのでその時の出来次第なんでこんなもんかと思っています。
Last time, I wrote that I started live distribution on Instagram, but this is quite difficult. The video and audio are annoying to say the least. As for equipment, I have a surplus iPod Touch connected to an audio interface and a Duet, and I have several microphones, so I change them in various ways and change the settings on the stand... I pick up extra sounds, and it doesn't go as I want. plug. I use an ipod to shoot video, but it doesn't work as expected due to the relationship between the focus, the image on the TV, and the angle of view. The video I'm playing is from the website, so it's fine, but the performance depends on luck and physical condition, so I think it depends on the performance at that time. But I would like to continue for a while, so if you are interested, please take a look. I would appreciate it if you could give me your impressions and opinions.
今日の様子はこんな感じです。Here's what it looks like today.
