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This event has ended. Thank you for browsing a lot. This page will be posted as it is for a while. You can also browse the works on M.A.D.S.ART GALLERY's page.

Please see the private video made at the bottom, which is also the full version.

国際現代美術展 DE.MO Lifestyle

International Contemporary Art Exhibition


Held from September 9, 2021 to September 24, 2021


ウエブサイトへのリンク  Link to website



Click on the work and go to the right> Click to display the playback screen

作品のタイトルは『 more peace 』4分55秒のスライドショーにヒーリングミュージック添えてます

The title of my work is "more peace" 4 minutes 55 seconds slide show with healing music

イタリアの M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY 主催の

 国際現代美術展 DE.MO Lifestyle 

にキュレーターの Lisa Galletti さんからのご縁により参加させていただく事になりました。

M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY は常設のデジタル設備を持つ最新のマルチメディアギャラリーで展示はイタリアのミラノとスペインのフエルテベントゥーラ島の両方で同時に開催されます。

ogasun としては映像作品を一点参加させていただきます。


Sponsored by M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY in Italy

International Contemporary Art Exhibition


DE.MO Lifestyle


I am grateful to the curator Lisa Galletti for joining us. M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY is a state-of-the-art multimedia gallery with permanent digital equipment and exhibits will be held simultaneously in both Milan, Italy and Fuerteventura, Spain. As ogasun, we will participate in one video work. There are only others to see on the web, so please have a look if you have time. Artists with various tastes are participating, so please enjoy it on the web. Of course, if you are near you and have the opportunity, please drop in! ..

PR用のデモ動画です1 This is a demo video for PR 1

PR用のデモ動画です2 This is a demo video for PR 2

Special gift  ogasun PR用の動画を作っていただきました!感謝です!
       This is a video for ogasun PR!. Thank you!

M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY キュレーターの Lisa Galletti さんに ogasun 作品のパーソナルビデオを作っていただきました。作品のコメントも語っていただいています。作品もフルバージョンで載ってますのでお楽しみください。

M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY curator Lisa Galletti made a personal video of ogasun's work. He also talks about the comments of the work. Please enjoy the full version of the work.

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